Jan Willem Boon - parts for your Harley-Davidson / Buell motorcycle - database

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  Order number ? OEM reference ? Description Finish OriginPrice (EUR) Export (EUR)?
  93269 (93269) 93269 93269 Safety defect code 040 - Rear brake master cyl.pushrod -NOS- XLCR usa95.0078.51
  93271 (93271) 93271 93271 Frame mounted seat handrail reinforcement kit- FLH - NOS usa41.0033.88
  93278 (93278 / 42410-75A) 93278 93278 / 42410-75A Safety defect code 043 - '78-'79 XL rear brake pedal - NOS  75.0061.98
  93279 (93279 / 42374-77) 93279 93279 / 42374-77 Safety defect code 044 - 1979 Rear brake master cyl-NOS- FL,FX,XL usa65.0053.72
  93300001 (93300001) 93300001 93300001 Trunk door organiser - NOS - Trike usa130.00107.44
  93300003 (93300003) 93300003 93300003 Luggage system - NOS china575.00475.21
  93300006 (93300006) 93300006 93300006 Tour-pak rack bag - NOS china390.00322.31
  93300010 (93300010) 93300010 93300010 Luggage mounted backrest pad - NOS china55.0045.45
  93300011 (93300011) 93300011 93300011 Strap, bag - Premium rack - NOS china9.007.44
93300014 93300014 Premium shoulder strap - NOS china27.0022.31
93300015 93300015 Auxiliary strap kit, 34" - NOS china27.0022.31
93300016 93300016 Strap - overnight bag - NOS china11.009.09
93300028 93300028 Rain cover - collapsible bag - NOS china58.0047.93
93300030 93300030 Plush liner - left saddlebag - NOS china155.00128.10
93300031 93300031 Plush liner - right saddlebag - NOS china155.00128.10
93300033 93300033 Plush liner - right fairing lower - NOS  88.0072.73
93300040 93300040 Tank bag - NOS - Sportster, XL '04- china275.00227.27
  93300044 (93300044) 93300044 93300044 Downtube bag kit, w. Bar & Shield - NOS - Dyna, XLblackusa225.00185.95
  93300045 (93300045) 93300045 93300045 Downtube bag kit - NOS - Dyna, XLbrownusa225.00185.95
93300049 93300049 Liner, Tour-pak, bottom - NOS switzerlan195.00161.16
  93300055 (93300055) 93300055 93300055 Windshield bag - diamond ice - NOS  245.00202.48
93300060 93300060 Saddlebag guard rail water bottle bag, right - NOS - Touring '93- usa155.00128.10
93300061 93300061 Saddlebag guard rail water bottle bag - left - NOS - Touring '93- usa155.00128.10
93300062 93300062 Bag, saddlebag guard - right - NOS - Touring '93- usa155.00128.10
93300069 93300069 Tail bag, Premium luggag collection - NOS china320.00264.46
93300073 93300073 Travel bags - NOS - Touring '14- with hard saddlebags china120.0099.17
93300092 93300092 Briefcase, rider - NOS - Touring '14-earlier swiss/chin465.00384.30
93300093 93300093 Tank bag - NOS  195.00161.16
93300100 93300100 HDMC messenger bag - brown / tan - NOS china345.00285.12
93300103 93300103 Onyx Premium storage Touring bag china385.00318.18
93300112 93300112 Storage bag, handlebar - NOSblack 140.00115.70
93300113 93300113 Storage bag, sissy bar - NOSblackchina130.00107.44
93300114 93300114 Storage bag, sissy bar - NOSblack 185.00152.89
93300116 93300116 Waxed canvas messenger bag - NOS  215.00177.69
93300117 93300117 Waxed canvas bagpack, urban - NOS  240.00198.35
93300119 93300119 Overwatch dry bag, urban - NOS  198.00163.64
93300121 93300121 Overwatch small handlebar bag - NOS usa120.0099.17
93300122 93300122 Overwatch large handlebar bag - NOS china175.00144.63
93300128 93300128 Storage kit, tail bag, 11,5 liter - NOS - RH 1250S '21- china267.50221.07
93300159 93300159 Premium tank bag china175.00144.63
  93316 (93316) 93316 93316 Safety defect code 045 - '75-early'80 FL front fender mount - NOS usa145.00119.83
  93319 (93319 / 3476) 93319 93319 / 3476 Safety defect code 045 - '75-early'80 FL front fender mount - NOS  11.009.09
  93335 (93335) 93335 93335 Safety defect code 049 - 1980 FLT Fork lock adj. screw kit - NOS usa2.001.65
  93339 (93339) 93339 93339 Safety defect code 050- 1980 FXWG Rear brake control hardware-NOS usa5.804.79
  93341 (93341 / 3452) 93341 93341 / 3452 Safety defect code 051 - 1980 FLT Sprocket mounting screws - NOS usa39.0032.23
  93344 (93344 / 41522-79A) 93344 93344 / 41522-79A Safety defect code 052 - 1980 FLT Wheel bearing kit - NOS usa985.00814.05
  93348 (93348) 93348 93348 Chain oiler kit - NOS - FLT 1980. (1981 style upgrade)  69.0057.02
  93354 (93354) 93354 93354 Torque arm kit - NOS - FLH  25.0020.66
  93402 (93402) 93402 93402 Recall 054 - NOS - FXB, FLHC  85.0070.25
  93403 (93403) 93403 93403 Transmission modification kit 054 - NOS - FX, FL 19824-speed 110.0090.91
  93405 (93405) 93405 93405 Recall code 055 - NOS - FL, FX 19824-speed 32.0026.45
  93420 (93420 / 42448-82A) 93420 93420 / 42448-82A Recall 056. Plunger master cylinder - NOS - XL, FXR usa59.0048.76
  93421 (93421) 93421 93421 Mirror screw kit - NOS  1.200.99
  93470 (93470) 93470 93470 XL clutch alternator kit - NOS  385.00318.18
  93474 (93474) 93474 93474 Safety recall - 058, stator - NOS  195.00161.16
  93514 (93514 / 76302-86) 93514 93514 / 76302-86 Timer relay / Radio timer kit - NOS - FXRD. FLTC 84-86  85.0070.25
  93515 (93515) 93515 93515 Radio timer / cover kit - NOS  110.0090.91
  93529 (93529) 93529 93529 Washer kit for 68249-86 - NOS - FLST/C, FLSTF, FLSTN  2.001.65
  93546 (93546) 93546 93546 Transmission kit (recall 061) - NOS  185.00152.89
93600007 93600007 Travel care, sunwash, bug remover, glaze, gloss,detail cloth -NOS  42.0034.71
93600107 93600107 Detailing swabs, 50-pk - NOS china16.5013.64
93600110 93600110 Bug sponge - NOS uk13.5011.16
  93600116 (93600116) 93600116 93600116 LCD screen wipe - NOS usa3.753.10
93600130 93600130 Micro fiber wash mitt, orange - NOS china29.8024.63
  93605 (93605) 93605 93605 Safety Recall code 064 - shifter forks 1340's 5-speed - NOS - FLT usa115.0095.04
  93608 (93608) 93608 93608 Safety Recall code 065 - Sidecar brake sideplate -NOS- LE,CLE,TLE usa245.00202.48
  93610 (93610) 93610 93610 Safety Recall code 066 - 1989 XL positive battery cable - NOS usa22.0018.18
  93615 (93615 / 45156-89B) 93615 93615 / 45156-89B Safety Recall code 068 - FXST rear brake line - NOS usa45.0037.19
  93617 (93617 / 70076-89A) 93617 93617 / 70076-89A Safety Recall code 069, 070 - XL battery cable - NOS usa32.0026.45
  93619A (93619A) 93619A 93619A Common service parts '41-'92 - NOS usa10.009.17
  93619C (93619C) 93619C 93619C Common service parts '41-'94 - NOS usa10.009.17
  93619D (93619D) 93619D 93619D Common service parts '41-'95 - NOS usa10.009.17
  93619E (93619E) 93619E 93619E Common service parts '41-'96 - NOS usa10.009.17
  93619F (93619F) 93619F 93619F Common service parts '41-'97 - NOS usa10.009.17
  93621B (93621B) 93621B 93621B Decal and emblem book 1992 - NOS usa17.0015.60
  93621C (93621C) 93621C 93621C Decal and emblem book 1993 - NOS usa17.0015.60
  93621D (93621D) 93621D 93621D Decal and emblem book 1994 - NOS usa17.0015.60
  93629 (93629 / 42441-90A) 93629 93629 / 42441-90A Safety Recall code 072 - 1991 XLH footrest mount - NOS usa69.0057.02
  93630 (93630) 93630 93630 Safety Recall code 073 - XLH-FXR caliper mounting bolt - NOS usa1.601.32
  93633 (93633 / 68569-91) 93633 93633 / 68569-91 Safety Recall code 074 - turn signal control module, white - NOSHDI 125.00103.31
93637 93637 1992 genuine dealer show kit - NOS    
  93638 (93638) 93638 93638 Safety Recall code 075 - 30 Amp main circuit breaker - NOS usa8.006.61
  93652 (93652) 93652 93652 Safety Recall code 077 - Softail positive battery cable - NOS usa33.0027.27
  93665 (93665 / 4351) 93665 93665 / 4351 Safety Recall code 079 - FXR, FXD - NOS usa5.754.75
  93666 (93666) 93666 93666 Safety Recall code 079 - FXR, FXD - NOS  5.504.55
  93667 (93667) 93667 93667 Safety Recall code 079 - FXRP windshield - NOS usa110.0090.91
  93668 (93668) 93668 93668 Safety Recall code 079 - FXRS-Conv windshield clamps - NOS usa145.00119.83
  93671 (93671 / 70653-90) 93671 93671 / 70653-90 Safety Recall code 078 - Softail positive battery cable - NOS usa18.0014.88
  93679 (93679) 93679 93679 Safety Recall code 079 - FXR compact windshield brackets - NOSzincusa120.0099.17
  93682 (93682) 93682 93682 Safety Recall code 080 - brake disc and jiffy stand screws - NOS usa12.009.92
  93683 (93683) 93683 93683 Safety Recall code 081 - carburetor inlet valve 90-91 - NOS japan27.0022.31
  93684 (93684) 93684 93684 Safety Recall code 082 - Softail 89-92 starter relay - NOS usa60.0049.59
93713 93713 Safety Recall code 083 - front fender rail - NOS  8.006.61
  93726 (93726) 93726 93726 Safety Recall code 085 - Ultra control cables - NOS - FLTCU 93-94 usa14.0011.57
  93745V (93745V) 93745V 93745V H-D trailer brochure - NOS usa7.006.42
  93797 (93797) 93797 93797 Safety Recall code 088 - vacuum operated fuel valves - NOS usa45.0037.19
  93819-98 (93819-98) 93819-98 93819-98 P&A wholesale catalog 1998, without prices - NOS usa75.0061.98
  93822Y (93822Y) 93822Y 93822Y Recall 0807 - NOS - Buell usa60.0049.59
93823 93823 95th anniversary shopping bag - NOS  1.501.24
93825 / 42407-87B 93825 Safety Recall code 090 - Touring, FL Softail brake pedal - NOS usa175.00144.63

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    About the part numbers:

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    The number in the "OEM reference"-column is the "Original Equipment Manufacturer" number, the original part number.

    From the Order number you can tell if it is an original or repro part:
    If the number begins with a letter it is a repro part. (usually an R for parts, an L for books, C for Colony kits, etc.)
    Many items are listed without a price, this means they are in stock but you will have to ask for a price quote.

    About Export price:

    Price without sales tax, sales outside the EU

    Currency from 07-07-2023
    Source: European Central Bank