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  Order number ? OEM reference ? Description Finish OriginPrice (EUR) Export (EUR)?
  25715-47 (25715-47) 25715-47 25715-47 Zerk nipple/fitting,shift lever/spr.shaft nut/siren foot leverNOSzincusa2.001.65
R 25715-47 25715-47 Zerk nipple/fitting,shift lever/spr.shaft nut/siren foot lever  1.501.24
  27065-57 (27065-57) 27065-57 27065-57 Buckle, exhaust pipe guard clamp / speedometer lamp - NOS - XL usa5.004.13
  27413-55 (27413-55) 27413-55 27413-55 Gasket, mounting - NOS - Topper,Hummer,Super-10,Pacer,Ranger,Scat usa1.501.24
  27671-55 (27671-55) 27671-55 27671-55 Spring, friction - choke shaft-FL,FLH 67-70.XLH,XLCH 66-71.TopperTillotsonusa2.502.07
  27673-55 (27673-55) 27673-55 27673-55 Choke shutter / choke disc - NOS-Topper.Hummer.Pacer.Ranger3 pcs.usa21.0017.36
  27680-55 (27680-55) 27680-55 27680-55 Float - NOS - Topper. Hummer. Super-10. Pacer. Ranger 1962. Scat usa44.0036.36
27682-55 27682-55 Bowl cover - float - NOS - Top;per, Hummer, Pacer, Scat, Bobcat usa75.0061.98
  27683-55 (27683-55) 27683-55 27683-55 Gasket, float bowl cover - NOS - Topper,Hummer,Super-10.Pacer.Sca usa3.002.48
  27688-55 (27688-55) 27688-55 27688-55 Screw, idle mixture - NOS - Topper. Hummer. Pacer. Ranger. Scat usa10.008.26
  27689-55 (27689-55) 27689-55 27689-55 Spring, idle mixture screw - NOS Topper.Hummer.Pacer.Ranger.Scat usa2.401.98
  27692-60 (27692-60) 27692-60 27692-60 Idle tube - NOS - Super-10. Pacer. Ranger. Scat 62-65.Bobcat 1966 usa29.0023.97
  27693-55 (27693-55) 27693-55 27693-55 Inlet needle, spring, seat & gasket -NOS-Bobcat.Scat.Ranger.Pacer usa32.0026.45
  27694-55 (27694-55) 27694-55 27694-55 Gasket, inlet seat -NOS-Servi-car 66-73.Topper 60-65.Hummer.Pacer usa1.801.49
  27699-55 (27699-55) 27699-55 27699-55 Screw, main adjusting - NOS-Bobcat.Scat.Ranger.Pacer.Hummer usa14.0011.57
  27700-55 (27700-55) 27700-55 27700-55 Packing, main mixture screw - NOS - Topper. Hummer. Ranger. Pacer usa2.001.65
  27701-55 (27701-55) 27701-55 27701-55 Nut, packing - NOS - Topper '60-'65. Hummer.Super-10.Pacer.Scat usa13.0010.74
27702-60 27702-60 Main nozzle - NOS - Super-10, Pacer, Ranger, Scat usa41.5034.30
  27703-55 (27703-55) 27703-55 27703-55 Gasket, nozzle / main orifice plug - NOS-Topper.Hummer.Pacer.Scat usa1.501.24
  27706-57 (27706-57) 27706-57 27706-57 Spring, throttle shaft - NOS - Topper.Hummer.Super-10.Pacer.Scat usa3.002.48
  27708-55A (27708-55A) 27708-55A 27708-55A Shaft, throttle - NOS - Topper.Hummer.Super-10.Pacer.Ranger usa32.0026.45
  27709-55 (27709-55) 27709-55 27709-55 Retaining clip, throttle shaft - NOS-Topper.Hummer.Scat.Ranger usa2.001.65
  27711-55 (27711-55) 27711-55 27711-55 Throttle lever - NOS - Hummer.Super-10.Pacer.Ranger.Bobcat.Scat usa4.003.31
  27714-55 (27714-55) 27714-55 27714-55 Throttle disc / shutter - NOS-Topper.Hummer.Super-10.Bobcat.Scat usa11.009.09
  27716-55 (27716-55) 27716-55 27716-55 Retaining clip, choke lever wire block - NOS-FL 67-70.XLH,XLCHTillotsonusa4.003.31
27716-55.10pack 27716-55 Retaining clips, choke lever wire block-NOS-FL 67-70.XLH,XLCHTillotsonusa30.0024.79
  27719-60 (27719-60) 27719-60 27719-60 Bushing, throttle shaft - NOS - Scat. Super-10. Pacer. Ranger usa6.004.96
29038-61 29038-61 / 29040-61 Filter adapter - NOS - Super-10 1961. Pacer, Ranger, Scatbareusa33.5027.69
29040-61 29040-61 Filter washer - NOS - Super-10.Pacer.Ranger 1962.Scat.Bobcat 1966 usa14.0011.57
  29041-61 (29041-61) 29041-61 29041-61 Gasket, carburetor flange - NOS-Super-10.Pacer.Ranger.Scat.Bobcat usa1.000.83
  29539-55 (29539-55) 29539-55 29539-55 Grommet, magneto cable - NOS-Topper.Hummer.Pacer.Scat.Bobcat usa6.004.96
29571-55 29571-55 Rotor - NOS - Hummer, Super-10, Pacer, Scat, Bobcat usa  
  29572-58 (29572-58) 29572-58 29572-58 Magneto cam, inner - NOS-Topper.Hummer.Super-10.Pacer.Scat.Bobcat usa35.0028.93
  29573-58 (29573-58) 29573-58 29573-58 Magneto cam, outer - NOS-Topper.Hummer.Super-10.Pacer.Scat.Bobcat usa25.0020.66
  29577-55 (29577-55) 29577-55 29577-55 Magneto coil core clamp-NOS - Hummer.Super-10.Pacer.Scat.Bobcat. usa8.006.61
  29580-55 (29580-55) 29580-55 29580-55 Magneto breaker contact assy - NOS-Topper.Hummer.Pacer.Scat usa35.0028.93
29581-55 29581-55 Magneto lockwasher,breaker terminal - NOS-Topper.Hummer.Pacer.Sca usa0.700.58
  29583-55 (29583-55) 29583-55 29583-55 Washer, 3/16" x 3/8" x 1/32" - NOS - Topper.Hummer.Bobcat.Scat usa1.000.83
  29584-55 (29584-55) 29584-55 29584-55 Screw & lockwasher,8-32 x 1/4"-NOS-Topper.Hummer.Super-10.Pacer usa1.501.24
  29593-55 (29593-55) 29593-55 29593-55 Screw, magneto contact point locking - NOS-Topper, Hummer usa1.000.83
  31610-53 (31610-53) 31610-53 31610-53 Bracket,spark coil-NOS-Topper.Hummer.Super-10.Pacer.Scat.Golf car usa19.0015.70
31612-47 31612-47 Nipple,spark plug cable-NOS-Topper.S125.ST165.Hummer.Super-10.Sca usa6.004.96
  31620-47 (31620-47) 31620-47 31620-47 Terminal,spark plug cable-use w. solid core cables only-NOS-FL.XL usa1.000.83
31620-47.10pack 31620-47 Terminals,spark plug cable-use w.solid core cables only-NOS-FL.XL usa7.005.79
  32303-47A.2pack (32303-47A / 32339-04) 32303-47A.2pack 32303-47A / 32339-04 Spark plugs,2-pack,14 mm,NOS-EL,FL,FX,KH,XL,Servi-car.Topper.HummNo. 3usa18.0014.88
  32305-48A (32305-48A) 32305-48A 32305-48A Spark plug no. 2 , 14mm-NOS-KH,XL,EL,FL,FX,Servi-car,Hummer,ScatNo. 2usa7.005.79
32305-48A.10Pack 32305-48A Spark plugs no. 2 , 14mm-NOS-KH,XL,EL,FL,FX,Servi-car,Hummer,ScatNo. 2usa52.5043.39
  32339-04 (32339-04 / 32303-47A) 32339-04 32339-04 / 32303-47A Spark plug - NOS - FL, FX 48-74. XL 71-85. Servi-car 56-73,750cc3usa8.006.61
  33064-47 (33064-47) 33064-47 33064-47 Starter crank with rubber,36910-47,NOS - S125,ST165. Hummer.Scat. usa85.0070.25
  33072-47 (33072-47) 33072-47 33072-47 Rubber, starter crank, 2 1/2" 36915-47,NOS, S125.ST165.Hummer. KRblackusa37.0030.58
  33502-59 (33502-59) 33502-59 33502-59 Ratchet gear - NOS - ST165 late'59. Hummer late'59 usa50.0041.32
  33504-47 (33504-47) 33504-47 33504-47 Ratchet spring,23557-47,NOS, S125 48-52. ST165 53-59.Hummer 55-59 usa6.004.96
  33504-47A (33504-47A) 33504-47A 33504-47A Ratchet spring - NOS - S125 48-52. ST165 53-59 usa6.004.96
  33506-47 (33506-47) 33506-47 33506-47 Lock ring, spring collar,23559-47,NOS, S125 48-52. ST165 53-59.Hu usa3.502.89
  33508-47 (33508-47) 33508-47 33508-47 Collar, ratchet spring,23561-47,NOS,S125 48-52. ST165 53-59.Humme usa7.005.79
  33530-47B (33530-47B) 33530-47B 33530-47B Starter sector gear - NOS - American singles '48-'66 usa75.0061.98
  33534-47 (33534-47) 33534-47 33534-47 Starter spring, 23614-47, NOS - S125.ST165.Hummer.Super-10.Rangerblackusa18.0014.88
  33536-47 (33536-47) 33536-47 33536-47 Spring plate, 23616-47,NOS,S125.ST165.Hummer.Super-10.Ranger.Scat usa17.0014.05
  33540-47 (33540-47) 33540-47 33540-47 Starter shaft, 23603-47,NOS,S125.ST165.Hummer.Super-10.Ranger.Sca usa75.0061.98
  33542-47 (33542-47 / 2307-36) 33542-47 33542-47 / 2307-36 Thrust washer,23606-47,NOS,S125.ST165.Hummer.Super-10.Ranger.Scat usa7.005.79
  33544-47 (33544-47) 33544-47 33544-47 Shim,starter shaft,23608-47,NOS,S125.ST165.Hummer.Super-10.Ranger usa2.001.65
  33546-47 (33546-47) 33546-47 33546-47 Spring washer,23611-47,NOS,S125.ST165.Hummer.Super-10.Ranger.Scat usa2.502.07
33907-01 33907-01 Billet aluminum forward control kit - NOS - FX Softailschrometaiwan995.00822.31
  34328-47 (34328-47) 34328-47 34328-47 Ratchet, NOS.S125. ST165.Hummer.Pacer.Ranger.Bobcat.Scat.Super-10 usa38.0031.40
  34345-47 (34345-47) 34345-47 34345-47 Bracket, ratchet.NOS-S125. ST165.Hummer.Pacer.Ranger.Bobcat.Scat usa10.008.26
  34348-47 (34348-47) 34348-47 34348-47 Lockwasher, ratchet bracket,NOS. S125. ST165.Hummer.Pacer.Ranger usa4.003.31
  34352-47 (34352-47) 34352-47 34352-47 Collar, ratchet spring.NOS.S125. ST165.Hummer.Pacer.Ranger.Bobcat usa2.001.65
  34353-53 (34353-53) 34353-53 34353-53 Ratchet spring, with pin replaces 34350-47, 34361-47 - NOS usa8.006.61
  34363-47 (34363-47) 34363-47 34363-47 Key,ratchet spring,NOS.S125.ST165.Hummer.Pacer.Ranger.Bobcat.Scat usa0.500.41
  34375-47 (34375-47) 34375-47 34375-47 Ball retainer sleeve, with spring and ball,NOS. S125.ST165.Hummer usa14.0011.57
  34379-47 (34379-47) 34379-47 34379-47 Washer, ball retainer, NOS-S125. ST165.Hummer.Pacer.Ranger.Bobcat usa2.001.65
  34381-47 (34381-47) 34381-47 34381-47 Spring, ratchet ball - NOS-S125. ST165.Hummer.Pacer.Ranger.Bobcat usa1.501.24
  34460-52 (34460-52) 34460-52 34460-52 Oil seal, shifter and starter shafts,NOS.S125.ST165.Hummer.Scat usa3.002.48
  34475-54A (34475-54A) 34475-54A 34475-54A Shifter shaft, NOS.ST165 54-59. Hummer.Super-10.Pacer.Ranger.Scat usa54.0044.63
  34481-47 (34481-47) 34481-47 34481-47 Spring, shifter pawl,NOS-S125 48-52. ST165 53-59.Hummer.Ranger usa5.004.13
  34483-47 (34483-47) 34483-47 34483-47 Shifter pawl spring cover - NOS. S125.ST165.Hummer.Super-10.Scat usa3.002.48
  34484-47 (34484-47) 34484-47 34484-47 Retaining clip - NOS-S125.ST165.Hummer.Super-10.Scat.Pacer.Ranger usa2.502.07
R  34606-54AC (34606-54TA) R 34606-54AC 34606-54TA Shift lever - KH,Ironhead XL 54-70. FL 54-73chrometaiwan39.0032.23
  34606-54TA (34606-54A) 34606-54TA 34606-54A Shift lever - "Eagle Iron" - NOS - KH,Ironhead XL 54-70. FL 54-73chromeindia39.0032.23
R  34609-52 (34609-52) R 34609-52 34609-52 Shifter rubber&stud. 3/4" stud;FL 52-e79.XL 52-70.Pacer.Ranger.Scblackindia4.003.31
R 34609-52.10Pack 34609-52 Shifter rubbers&stud. 3/4"stud;FL 52-e79.XL 52-70.Pacer.Ranger.Scblackindia27.5022.73
R  34609-61 (34609-61) R 34609-61 34609-61 Shifter rubber&stud, 3/4" stud "H-D" FL 52-79.FX.XL 54-70.Hummerwhiteitaly4.503.72
R 34609-61.10Pack 34609-61 Shifter rubbers&stud, 3/4" stud "H-D" FL 52-79.FX.XL 54-70.Hummerwhiteitaly30.0024.79
  35045-52A (35045-52A) 35045-52A 35045-52A Mainshaft - NOS-S125 1952. ST 165 53-59. Hummer 55-59.Pacer.Scat usa135.00111.57
  35051-53A (35051-53A) 35051-53A 35051-53A Gear,main drive, 26 T,NOS - ST 165.Super-10.Pacer.Scat.Bobcat usa110.0090.91
  35056-55 (35056-55) 35056-55 35056-55 Sliding gear, mainshaft, 21 T,NOS-ST 165,Hummer 55-59. Pacer.Scat usa105.0086.78
  35080-47 (35080-47) 35080-47 35080-47 Retaining ring-inner,NOS,S125.ST165.Hummer.Super-10.Scat.Bobcat usa6.004.96
  35096-47 (35096-47) 35096-47 35096-47 Bushing, main gear - NOS - S125.ST165.Hummer.Super-10.Pacer.Scat usa14.0011.57
  35150-47 (35150-47) 35150-47 35150-47 Oil seal - main gear,NOS-S125.ST165.Hummer.Super-10.Pacer.Scat usa18.0014.88
  35165-47 (35165-47) 35165-47 35165-47 Collar, main gear - NOS-S125.ST165.Hummer.Super-10.Pacer.Scat.Bob usa8.006.61
  35170-47A (35170-47A) 35170-47A 35170-47A Gasket, oil seal - NOS-S125.ST165.Hummer.Super-10.Pacer.Scat.Bobc usa2.001.65
  35201-61 (35201-61) 35201-61 35201-61 15 T mainshaft sprocket - NOS-Super-10.Pacer.Scat.Bobcat 1966 usa45.0037.19
  35209-47 (35209-47) 35209-47 35209-47 Nut and oil seal, sprocket,NOS-S125.ST165.Hummer.Super-10.Bobcat usa16.0013.22
  35215-47 (35215-47) 35215-47 35215-47 Lockwasher, main gear sprocket,NOS-Hummer,Pacer,Scat,Super-10 usa4.003.31
  35215-47A (35215-47A) 35215-47A 35215-47A Lockwasher, main gear sprocket,NOS-Hummer,Pacer,Scat,Super-10 usa5.004.13
  35611-47A (35611-47A) 35611-47A 35611-47A Countershaft - NOS - Hummer. Super-10. Pacer. Ranger. Bobcat.Scat usa95.0078.51
  35675-52 (35675-52) 35675-52 35675-52 Low gear, countershaft, 32 T,NOS-Hummer,Super-10,Pacer,Bobcat usa65.0053.72
  35691-55 (35691-55) 35691-55 35691-55 Sliding gear, countershaft - 26 T, NOS-Hummer,Ranger,Scat,Bobcat usa75.0061.98
  35691-55used (35691-55) 35691-55used 35691-55 Sliding gear, countershaft - 26 T - Hummer,Ranger,Scat,Bobcat usa35.0028.93
  35720-53B (35720-53B) 35720-53B 35720-53B Gear, countershaft - 19 T - NOS-ST165 53-59.Bobcat.Scat.Ranger usa80.0066.12

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