Jan Willem Boon - parts for your Harley-Davidson / Buell motorcycle - database

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  Order number ? OEM reference ? Description Finish OriginPrice (EUR) Export (EUR)?
D DS-06521087 322018HE Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding clutch cable, Sterling Chromite usa137.50113.64
D DS-06521110 322310HE Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding clutch cable - Sterling Chromit usa145.00119.83
D DS-06521113 32236HE Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding clutch cable - Sterling Chromit usa145.00119.83
D DS-06521162 422310HE Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding clutch cableblack pearlusa163.50135.12
D DS-06521166 42238HE Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding clutch cableblack pearlusa154.50127.69
D DS-06521224 101-30-10041 Drag Specialties Barnett clutch cableblack vinylusa99.5082.23
D DS-06521396   Drag Specialties clutch cable usa55.0045.45
D DS-06521406   Drag Specialties clutch cable usa55.0045.45
D DS-06521427   Drag Specialties clutch cablevinyl 75.0061.98
D DS-06521428   Drag Specialties clutch cable, 66 11/16vinyl 75.0061.98
D DS-06521429   Drag Specialties clutch cable, 68" usa75.0061.98
D DS-06521431 4322307HE Drag Specialties clutch cable, black vinyl, 72" usa75.0061.98
D DS-06521432 4322308HE Drag Specialties clutch cable, black vinyl usa75.0061.98
D DS-06521437 38667-08.4/4322404HE Drag Specialties clutch cable, black vinyl usa79.5065.70
D DS-06521438   Drag Specialties black vinyl clutch cable usa76.5063.22
D DS-06521439   Drag Specialties black vinyl clutch cable usa75.0061.98
D DS-06521456 5321000HE Drag Specialties braided clutch cable - 69"stainlessusa97.5080.58
D DS-06521459   Drag Specialties clutch cable usa97.5080.58
D DS-06521473 5321700HE Drag Specialties braided clutch cable - 58" usa97.5080.58
D DS-06521491 38667-08A.2 Drag Specialties braided clutch cable - Bagger '08-'13stainless 97.5080.58
D DS-06521535   Drag Specialties black vinyl clutch cable - 54" usa64.5053.31
D DS-06521618 38667-08.16/422316HE Drag Specialties braided clutch cable - Bagger '08-'13black pearl 155.00128.10
D DS-06521652 42258HE Drag Specialties Magnum clutch cableblack pearlusa149.50123.55
D DS-06521824 LA-8110C00 Drag Specialties LA Choppers clutch cable usa176.50145.87
D DS-06521834 LA-8110C19 Drag Specialties LA Choppers clutch line usa173.50143.39
D DS-06522094 422812 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding clutch cableblack pearlusa149.50123.55
D DS-06522095 422814 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding clutch cableblack pearlusa149.50123.55
D DS-06522135 LA-8054C16M Drag Specialties LA Choppers clutch line usa97.5080.58
D DS-06522283   Drag Specialties clutch cable - XRblack 73.5060.74
D DS-06522286 XR4322410 Drag Specialties Magnum clutch cable usa80.0066.12
D DS-06522395 72252HE Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding clutch cable, 57.25"carbon fiberusa145.00119.83
D DS-06522398 109812 Drag Specialties Fat Baggers inc. 4" clutch cable extension - FLblackusa110.0090.91
D DS-06522399 109814 Drag Specialties Fat Baggers inc. 6" clutch cable extensionblackusa110.0090.91
D DS-06522400 109816 Drag Specialties Fat Baggers inc. 8" clutch cable extensionblackusa110.0090.91
D DS-06522475 42344HE Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding clutch cableblack pearlusa110.0090.91
D DS-06522476   Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding quick connect clutchcable,upperblack pearlusa110.0090.91
D DS-06522489 52346HE Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding quick connect clutch cable usa110.0090.91
D DS-06540026 102B Drag Specialties choke cable - 16.4"vinylusa28.5023.55
D DS-06550024 6-210 Drag Specialties Motion Pro speedometer cable 40"vinyl 22.5018.60
D DS-06550031 4390100B Drag Specialties vinyl speedometer cable 40" front wheel drive usa31.5026.03
D DS-06550033 4390300B Drag Specialties vinyl speedometer cable 35" transmission drive usa30.0024.79
D DS-06550041 4391200B Drag Specialties vinyl speedometer cable 41.5" front wheel drivevinylusa30.0024.79
D DS-06550042 4391300B Drag Specialties vinyl speedometer cable 35" front wheel drive usa30.0024.79
D DS-06550045 4391600B Drag Specialties vinyl speedometer cable 47.5" transmission drive usa33.5027.69
D DS-06550047   Drag Specialties braided speedometer cable 40" front wheel drive usa69.5057.44
D DS-06550051 5390700B Drag Specialties braided speedometer cable 40" front wheel drive usa69.5057.44
D DS-06550052   Drag Specialties braided speedometer cable 38 1/2" front wheel dr usa69.5057.44
D DS-06550063 66-0128 Drag Specialties Motion Pro braided speedometer cable taiwan55.0045.45
D DS-06550065   Drag Specialties Motion Pro braided speedometer cable  595.00491.74
D DS-06580024 () D DS-06580024   Drag Specialties dual throttle cable clamp 1-1/4"chrometaiwan24.5020.25
D DS-06580051 () D DS-06580051   Drag Specialties clamp, clutch cable 1.125"blackusa35.0028.93
D DS-06580055   Drag Specialties clamp, clutch cable 1"blackusa35.0028.93
D DS-06610028   Drag Specialties hydraulic clutch line - FLTRX '17-'20stainlessusa95.0078.51
D DS-06620058 487591 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kit, Twin Cam ABSblack pearl 585.00483.47
D DS-06620083 487672 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitblack pearl 695.00574.38
D DS-06620148 487751 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitblack pearl 565.00466.94
D DS-06620154 487771 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitblack pearl 444.00366.94
D DS-06620234 387871 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kit - FLTR ABS  785.00648.76
D DS-06620261 487841 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kit - FLH ABSblack pearl 795.00657.02
D DS-06620270 487871 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kit - FLTR ABSblack pearl 795.00657.02
D DS-06620272 487873 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitblack pearlusa795.00657.02
D DS-06620302 489311 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitblack 455.00376.03
D DS-06620363 589841 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitstainless 495.00409.09
D DS-06620380 LA-8012KT2B-16B LA Choppers 15"- 17" handlebar cable / brake lineblackusa445.00367.77
D DS-06620400 LA-8123KT-13 LA Choppers 12"- 14" braided brake line / handlebar cablestainlessusa295.00243.80
D DS-06620484 LA-8152KT-13M LA Choppers 12"- 14" braided brake line ape hanger Midnight usa295.00243.80
D DS-06620493 LA-8152KT2-13M LA Choppers 12"- 14" braided brake line ape hanger Midnight  485.00400.83
D DS-06620524 486841 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitblack 575.00475.21
D DS-06620528 486871 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitblack 575.00475.21
D DS-06620547 LA-8153KT2-13B LA Choppers 12"- 14" handlebar cable / brake line - Softail '18-blackusa367.50303.72
D DS-06620571 LA-8055KT3-16B LA Choppers 15"- 17" brake line Ape hanger usa485.00400.83
D DS-06620887 LA-8056KT-13M Drag Specialties LA Choppers cable kit 12"- 14" ape hanger usa445.00367.77
D DS-06620897 LA-8056KT2-13 Drag Specialties LA Choppers cable kit 12"- 14"stainlesstaiwan495.00409.09
D DS-06620899 LA-8056KT2-13M Drag Specialties LA Choppers cable kit 12"- 14" '21- taiwanm564.50466.53
D DS-06620911 LA-8056KT3-13M Drag Specialties LA Choppers cable kit 12"- 14" ape hanger - ABS taiwan585.00483.47
D DS-06620959 487981 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitblack pearl 475.00392.56
D DS-06620969 4871011 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kit - FLHRXSblack pearl 737.50609.50
D DS-06620988 486981 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitblack 325.00268.60
D DS-06620989 486982 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitblack 325.00268.60
D DS-06620996 4861021 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitblack 395.00326.45
D DS-06620997 4861022 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitblack 395.00326.45
D DS-06621000 589981 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitstainless 345.00285.12
D DS-06621001 589982 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitstainless 365.00301.65
D DS-06621008 5891021 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitstainless 395.00326.45
D DS-06621009 5891022 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitstainless 395.00326.45
D DS-06621041 5891151 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitstainless 345.00285.12
D DS-06621042 5891152 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitstainless 345.00285.12
D DS-06621043 4861151 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitblack 345.00285.12
D DS-06621044 4861152 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitblack 345.00285.12
D DS-06621054 3871171 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kit - St Chr II  485.00400.83
D DS-06621060 4861171 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitblack 365.00301.65
D DS-06621061 4861172 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitblack 365.00301.65
D DS-06621065 5891172 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitstainless 365.00301.65
D DS-06621072 5891172 Drag Specialties Magnum Shielding control cable kitstainless 365.00301.65
D DS-07010732   Drag Specialties seal for fuel pump door - Softail taiwan27.5022.73
D DS-07030293 () D DS-07030293   Drag Specialties pop-up gas cap, large '96-'12 ventchrometaiwan58.5048.35
D DS-07030327   Drag Specialties pop-up gas cap, large '96-'12 non-ventedblack wrinkletaiwan63.5052.48
D DS-07030426 (908315B) D DS-07030426 908315B Pro-One fuel door '92-'07 taiwan55.0045.45
D DS-07030858 701-011 Drag Specialties Arlen Ness 12-point gas cap '92-chrome 85.0070.25
D DS-07050015 75-516D-CS Drag Specialties GIS / Golan Click-slick petcock NPT downward3/8" NPTusa124.50102.89

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    About the part numbers:

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    The number in the "OEM reference"-column is the "Original Equipment Manufacturer" number, the original part number.

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    If the number begins with a letter it is a repro part. (usually an R for parts, an L for books, C for Colony kits, etc.)
    Many items are listed without a price, this means they are in stock but you will have to ask for a price quote.

    About Export price:

    Price without sales tax, sales outside the EU

    Currency from 07-07-2023
    Source: European Central Bank